I've recently stumbled upon the world of podcasting and listening to them while pretending to do some work. It's pretty nifty. With the new
iTunes 5 you can subscribe to these podcasts, most of which are free, and your computer will download the latest episodes. One such podcast that I find very interesting, and highly recommend to any and all creative types, is
Media Artist Secrets, podcasted by Franklin McMahon. It's very inspiring to hear advice and insight from an artist who's been in the trenches and just wants to share and give back the knowledge to those of us who are doing our damnness to do what we love for a living. It's just comforting to know that other creative types go through the same shit you do day in and day out. I've just downloaded all 39 episodes he's put out so far and flying through them like a crack fiend who's just come across, um... a lot of crack. Ok, so that wasn't the best analogy I've ever come up with. Feel free to substitute "crack" with another vice of your choosing. May I recommend "pornography."
Anyhoo, in episode 4 he talks about noodling, and how and why to noodle. Basically, noodling, a musician's term, means playing around. Picking up your weapon of choice and messing around and experimenting. It's self-development, and sometimes you just have to try and find time to fit it in. It's been a while since I've done any kind of sketching that had nothing to do with a project I'm working on. And boy am I rusty. I think I stared at that blank page for a better part of three days, I shit you not. I am a perfectionist when it comes to my work, like many artists are. And sometimes I find myself not starting anything if I don't think it will turn out perfect. Even sketching, which is freaking ridiculous, I know. It's something I hope I can get over with time. So noodle, people! Noodle your fucking brains out! Noodle with a friend, or two, if that's what you're into. Noodle till you can't noodle anymore. Then eat some cheese.
www.ONESICKINDIVIDUAL.comall images © 2005 Erwin Haya, unless otherwise noted.