Sunday, January 01, 2006

illustration friday: flavor

First post of the new year and I can't think of anything witty and/or clever to say. So here's my illFriday for this week. I've always thought she had a lotta flavor (or should I say "flava"). Tastes like avocado. An old image from the archive since I'm on vacation right now doing all kinds of nothing, while eating. It's cold, raining and windy in the Bay Area, and my sister is in Hawaii right now for her first semester at Manoa. It's cool though. My winter weight isn't translating too well to beachwear at the moment. Time for me to revisit last year's resolutions. Happy New Year. Now watch this trippy video. It tastes like crazy.

all images © 2006 Erwin Haya, unless otherwise noted.


Anonymous said...

She's lovely and I CAN taste avocado! Just waiting to view trippy video ... Happy New Year!!

Ellen said...

GREAT illo!!!!!!

modroom said...

Great funky image, and ta for that video it's well cool.

Anonymous said...

Avocado-licious! Love your work.
Happy New Year!

valerie walsh said...

this is totally groovy! i can't get the vid to play but love your illo!

Piotr said...

Excellent pose and coloring.

Toyebot said...

Sweet! Happy New Year!
Funk-a-licious flava!

carla said...

Funky guacamole! Thanks for sharing's really cool. Happy New year!

Matt Vella said...

I like your work, man. That video was bad ass!!!

Anonymous said...

that is just funny!!! i did NOT think avacado though... i thought you were referring to the lady as flava.... that is what has me rollin'!!! i love your style though- the old skool funkiness...

ACCIA said...

very cool!! I love this woman :D